
Looks like it. I had some in my yard and that’s what I identified it to be. Being deer candy is a new one on me but I looked it up just now and that seems to be the general consensus.
This is on a development job I'm doing and so I scooped up a bunch of it and the dirt around it assuming it is probably full of un-germinated seeds. Gonna spread it in some waste areas at the farm. Been trying for years to establish the stuff over there with ZERO luck.
Wild purslane has yellow flowers. Your picture is not that clear, but it appears that you have green and white flowers. If that's correct I believe it is chickweed rather than purslane.
I know chickweed. It isn't that for sure. The flowers appear they will be red perhaps? I'll see if I can get a better picture tomorrow.
I know chickweed. It isn't that for sure. The flowers appear they will be red perhaps? I'll see if I can get a better picture tomorrow.

The stems and leaves do look like purslane. And, believe it or not, there are some cultivated varieties of it that have flowers of different colors. So, perhaps it could be one of those that has escaped cultivation.
Only thing I could think off close is spruge and I know it ain't spurge. Doesn't have the white sap when broken.
Just wish I could figure out what everything is that's growing on my place. Got a couple of comprehensive weed books and still can't figure it out.
Yes, that is the cultivated / ornamental purslane (Portulaca umbraticola or Portulaca grandiflora ) like I mentioned in my post above rather than the wild type (Portulaca oleracea) that is commonly seen in fields.