That's exactly what happens to some of my grasses a few weeks after I hit it with cleth. It's so purdy...nice colors and I know it's dying...a win-win.Dogghr, I could be wrong, but I think that purple color is just because that grass is under some kind of stress. It could be lots of things. That is exactly how the grass I hit with Cleth this year looked before it browned and died. A phosphorus deficiency will do that too. It could also be that grubs have eaten on the roots. The list of possible stresses goes on. That dried grass head in the foreground looks like it could be fescue..........................
Thanks Native, mine looks most like the switch but I'm gonna check them closer today if I can rent a submarine to get to the farm. I also was suggested Sprangletop which I have, or Purple top Tridens by another source. They are scattered so not a real significant plant on my place. Yet.