A new posted sign on a tree facing the stand helps convey the message. Property line screening in the middle of the woods can be counterproductive, giving deer cover to bed closer to the property line than you want them, and giving trespassers cover to sneak on. I prefer our deepwoods property lines open with a driveable perimeter trail on my side to allow quick access for sneaking along or patrolling. Nothing to discourage property line crowders like a fullsize pickup truck come bumping through the woods at 9 am on opening day when they are in the stand 10' off the line. Now property lines along a road or open field are different, I prefer screening there, some type of evergreen like norway spruce works well. Another idea in open woods is to make a lineal fence on your side right inside the property line by directionally felling a line of trees into a windrow, this method keeps them from shooting deer on your side because of the difficulty in quickly retrieving them.