Property Line Screening

Just walked my property line and found numerous stand just a few feet from the line. what would be the best options for screening the line? I was thinking some sort or conifer, but I know it will take longer. I know people hunt the lines and guess I can't blame them but need to keep an eye on the issue.
A new posted sign on a tree facing the stand helps convey the message. Property line screening in the middle of the woods can be counterproductive, giving deer cover to bed closer to the property line than you want them, and giving trespassers cover to sneak on. I prefer our deepwoods property lines open with a driveable perimeter trail on my side to allow quick access for sneaking along or patrolling. Nothing to discourage property line crowders like a fullsize pickup truck come bumping through the woods at 9 am on opening day when they are in the stand 10' off the line. Now property lines along a road or open field are different, I prefer screening there, some type of evergreen like norway spruce works well. Another idea in open woods is to make a lineal fence on your side right inside the property line by directionally felling a line of trees into a windrow, this method keeps them from shooting deer on your side because of the difficulty in quickly retrieving them.
For now you could spread Milorganite in the area. That'll keep the deer out for a couple weeks.
I hinge cut borders hard...deer aren’t really using the hinge cuts and in a year neighbors can’t see in even elevated. My West, East, and North side all have hollows, fingers, gorges that keep me from doing what Mennoniteman suggested...
All hunters who sit in a stand a respectable distance from the line like 50 yards or more will get permission to retrieve their deer with my "assistance" at a time not disruptive to my or my guests hunting.Those that sit on the line are now being told that permission will not be granted to retrieve any deer from my property. And by example they know that trespassers when caught are ticketed. I also do as Mennonite man suggested and use our perimeter roads to patrol the property boundaries where there are line sitters. Where there are not line sitters we do not patrol with a vehicle but do sneak along the perimeter roads to keep a presence in the area.

And as Mennoniteman a posted sign two feet in front of a line sitter stand at the stand height seems to have the affect we want most of the time.
I also place highly visible and well hidden cameras watching the stand on video mode. Even been known to glue an antenna like piece to dead cameras to add to their paranoia. I’ve had people cuss me out....but when they hear I won’t permit them to retrieve game without the game warden, they move them. Yes, I’ve become an asshole... Being nice to the neighbors giving them the benefit of the doubt has in all but one instance, backfired badly for me. It’s is a sad state of affairs.
I know some guys that solved the problem with a guide putting his clients next to property line by burning a brush pile on his side of fence opening morning of gun season
I would add that a Good neighbor is invaluable so preserve that if you can. But when you are sure that you can't it's time to be That guy
I had a buddy who used to carry cheap stick deodorants in his mule when running his property lines, any time he saw a line sitter's stand, my buddy would take the lid one of the deodorants and toss in the weeds near the stand.
I had a buddy who used to carry cheap stick deodorants in his mule when running his property lines, any time he saw a line sitter's stand, my buddy would take the lid one of the deodorants and toss in the weeds near the stand.
I did't know that deodorant would repel deer. I've heard that soap shavings have been used by anti hunters to harass hunters. Good to know.
The trick with a screen is that if you plan on planting need sunlight. Secondly you have to create a screen, without creating cover....or food. As part of this, you should also take a strong look to ensure you have adequate SAFE cover in the core of your property. This may require creating some cover or changing how you access/hunt the property. If you are pounding the core of your property and you make these screens, your simply going to push the deer to these areas...which is what you don't want. Also consider a 2 part screen...a short term (MG, switchgrass, willows or pines) that you may remove later and a long term (spruce or cedar). Also consider that you need a lot taller screen if they are 15 feet in a tree and you want to screen 30 yards away.....vs 100 yards away. Something that would also assist on both fronts (safer core and keeping deer away from the property line) is implementing a perimeter trail/road system vs one thru the core of the property that many of us tend to do just out of habit.

You always have the trip to Sam's club and buying a bulk pack of a smelly bar soap option as well.