I am always trying to learn something new or figure something out, on our properties. I can't even tell you where the nearest AG field is and the closest we have is pasture. We are on pine properties. The county we have our properties (5), it is a QDM county, where you have to have a minimum of 4 points on one side.
Our main property, with a cabin, which is 400 acres, does see way too much year round traffic/pressure than I care for, but it is what it is. But it's a club, with fishing ponds, ducks, geese, quail and dove and ........ so we enjoy it and use it.
Our neighbors have 300 acres, right across the dirt road.
We have thick cover, they have thick cover.
We have acorns, honeysuckle, blackberries. They have acorns, honeysuckle and blackberries. (aside from other browse)
We have 8 acres of food plots, they probably have 2.
We have perennial clover plots, annual grain/clover/brassica plots, fruit trees. They spend a lot less on theirs and mainly annual plots.
We have cut roads and trails and so do they.
We have feeders, they have feeders.
This year, on that property we took 12 deer. 50/50 bucks and does and we are becoming more selective on what is killed. All but a couple were taken on food plots and that is an average year for us.
Our neighbors have always been less selective and they have taken 3 this year. One buck. About the same as they took last year.
Since we've improved our property, over the last 10 years, the average buck weight has gone up by 28%. With trail camera photo's we have a good idea which bucks stay on our property. Some of the bucks we've killed have definitely been drawn in from other properties, within 1/2 mile.
We hold more year round deer on our property than maybe they do? Food plots for me, are the difference.