Power of Buckwheat


Active Member
Did test run this year. One half of plot was planted buckwheat this spring and then mowed down 2 weeks before planting to give them adequate time to start breaking down for fall planting. The other was left to grow however and round up 2 weeks before planting. The results below is 1 week after fall planting with no fertilizer on either half.



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Can you tell a difference yet between the half that was mowed down vs the half terminated with gly?

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Can you tell a difference yet between the half that was mowed down vs the half terminated with gly?

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You can really see the difference in the photo....mowed down buckwheat clearly germinated faster and pushed up green much quicker....bare dirt with just few seedlings poking through on gly spraydown section.
I'll update results once or twice more this year...trying anything possible to limit amount of synthetic fertilizer and still get good results. Eventually work to no tilling, but need to wife to sign off on that investment first
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