Pecan vines


Active Member
Our new property has several vines on various pecan trees varying from small to huge that are strangling the trees.

The state ag office said to cut at the base and pour roundup concentrate on the stump so it won't hurt the pecans.

Ideas? Are any of these large poison ivy? When I take a chainsaw to them I don't want poison ivy dust in my lungs.

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Yeah... Hard to tell exactly what it is. We've cut a lot of poison ivy with a chainsaw without incident. If you're too worried, you could use an axe or hatchet. Or even a hand saw.
tough to tell without leaves on it. I agree that if they are damaging your tree you can cut them and treat them or simply cut about a foot long section out of it and the top will die on it's own. I don;t like cutting and treating vines that are pulled tight against a tree like that - you may risk killing the tree with the chemical. The tree will heal from a minor wound from the cutting in most cases. I would NOT suggest trying to pull the top out. You will more than likely damage your tree further.