Ozark Chinquapin Help


So I have located a few Ozark Chinquapins but they are very spread out and did not produce nuts last year. They had burs but no nuts in them. Looks like the ones I found have had blight and have regrown from stump in almost a bush type tree.
1). Is it possible to graft an Ozark to a Chinese?
2). What method of grating would I use if it is possible?
3). If I plant a Chinese close by the Ozarks will it pollinate them?

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I had a few OC nuts that a friend gave me this year but unfortunately none of them made it. They are very hard to grow. Are you talking about a Chinese chestnut or a chinese chinquapin?
Chinese chestnut. Really just anything to where they would have some resistance to disease.

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I have talked about grafting ozark chinkapins with a man from Missouri and he said he has grafted ozarks to Chinese successfully. I get scion wood from him and he has been involved with the ozark chinkapins for quite some time. I plan to graft some this spring I will more than likely try a cleft graft. These may have graft incompatibilities but this can be combated with etiolateing the rootstock but the man I talked to said he had decent success without doing this. I believe he was using whip and tongue or a splice type graft I myself have only nut grafted, radical grafted and cleft graft young seedlings (appx 6weeks old) so my bench grafting is limited with ozarks I have tried all the above techniques with ozark chinkapin allehany chinkapin and American chestnuts. My bench grafting with chestnuts are limited but I believe it would be better since they have enough roots to nourish the graft I will know more about that this spring as I have some American chestnut seedlings to graft onto that are 1-2 years old. Sorry for the long winded response but to answer your question I think ozarks can be grafted to Chinese chestnuts.