While in Virginia last weekend I found two healthy old persimmon trees and harvested a bunch of the ripe fruits I found below them. I dumped them into a bucket and hosed them down very strongly, dumping the pulp and scum off the top, repeating this five (or more) times. Finally, I filled the bucket with water and left it soaking in the shade under my porch for a few days.
Pre-yesterday I gave the bucket another five (or so) rounds of high pressure spraying, dumping the pulp off the top. After this, some persimmons were still nearly whole, so I reached into the bucket and smashed them in my hand. This process removed nearly all the pulp and floater seeds. I cleaned the remaining pulp off all the seeds by hand, rinsed them clean and then dried them on a paper towel overnight.
So, what next? The seeds are very smooth, shiny and healthy looking. Should I remove that shiny layer? So far I removed the pulpy fruit flesh and the stringy pulp pocket that hold the seeds. I scratched the shiny seeds with fingernails and knife to reveal a dull surface below. I don't have pictures of the scratched and unscratched seeds, but I'll try to post one to quickly describe what I took so many English words to say.