
Yeah, that's not good I seen on the news this morning that the EPA is trying to get rid of some pesticides that they are known to cause cancers that a lot of farmers are getting. It's hard not to get sprayed with Gly when spraying food plots with ATV sprayer.
Remember this huge 289 million dollar compensation decision was not made by scientists but rather by twelve jurors in San Francisco that the complaintants lawyer handpicked. It doesn't prove one way or another as to the question of Roundup causing cancer. Realistically though it is quite likely that all chemicals we use can hurt us if we misuse them. It is paramount that we follow the directions for mixes exactly as they recommend as that is what has been determined to be safe. Common sense precautions like wearing full clothing and goggles and washing clothes and yourself after each spraying should be the norm. Always spraying downwind and not spraying if winds are high, gusty or circular is another no brainer. If you can still smell it under seemingly optimum conditions then spraying for that day should be over; air movement is just not right. Even if a chemical is claimed to be safe we should treat it as if it is not.

Just like the innocent action of bleaching a well to kill the bacteria eventually leads to also killing the bacteria in our septic systems and taking anti-biotics can kill the beneficial bacteria in our guts that help us digest foods, using chemicals to kill all sorts of plants and or insects can have effects on us and our soils especially if we don't follow manufacturers recommendations. We all know this for sure and that is why we stick with the products' recommendation for its use and use common sense precautions when applying. In todays world people are awarded compensation even when common sense was missing in their use of a product.

The takeaway here is how far will this blaming others for cancer go. One scenario would be that gly and other chemicals could be completely banned and taken from the shelves which of course would result in severe food shortages and very crazy high food prices. The likely case might be that the lawsuits frivolous or not will significantly raise the cost of production of these chemicals and eventual restricted access could be expected. Thus we can expect Gly and other chemicals may never be at better prices than they are today and nor will they be more accessible to us food plotters than they are today.
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Remember this huge 289 million dollar compensation decision was not made by scientists but rather by twelve jurors in San Francisco that the complainants lawyer handpicked. It doesn't prove one way or another as to the question of Roundup causing cancer. Realistically though it is quite likely that all chemicals we use can hurt us if we misuse them. It is paramount that we follow the directions for mixes exactly as they recommend as that is what has been determined to be safe. Common sense precautions like wearing full clothing and goggles and washing clothes and yourself after each spraying should be the norm. Always spraying downwind and not spraying if winds are high, gusty or circular is another no brainer. If you can still smell it under seemingly optimum conditions then spraying for that day should be over; air movement is just not right. Even if a chemical is claimed to be safe we should treat it as if it is not.

Just like the innocent action of bleaching a well to kill the bacteria eventually leads to also killing the bacteria in our septic systems and taking anti-biotics can kill the beneficial bacteria in our guts that help us digest foods, using chemicals to kill all sorts of plants and or insects can have effects on us and our soils especially if we don't follow manufacturers recommendations. We all know this for sure and that is why we stick with the products' recommendation for its use and use common sense precautions when applying. In todays world people are awarded compensation even when common sense was missing in their use of a product.

The takeaway here is how far will this blaming others for cancer go. The worst case would be that gly and other chemicals could be banned and taken from the shelves which of course would result in severe food shortages and very crazy high food prices. The likely case might be that the lawsuits frivolous or not will significantly raise the cost of production of these chemicals and eventual restricted access could be expected. Thus we can expect Gly and other chemicals may never be at better prices than they are today and nor will they be more accessible to us food plotters than they are today.
You are right on with your observations. It might be a good idea to stock up on glyphosate. I wouldn't advise getting a ridiculous amount though. It's possible that they may just come out with something better and supposedly not as harmful, that after twenty years would eventually get proven to be even more harmful than anything to date.
P. S. I think it's a stupid jury that makes a judgment on zero facts or evidence. Did someone say California?
Just imagine for a second how many harmful substances can be found in trace amounts everywhere in a city as big and old as San Fran. I don’t buy it. But the article I read said he sprayed on windy days and was often covered from head to toe... Monsanto’s fault? More like Darwin....

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Monsanto will undoubtably appeal. I haven’t followed the case to know how much of the award was compensatory versus punitive damages (presumably a significant portion is punitive). Likewise, I haven’t seen the expert’s report or the jury instructions but there’s so much at stake agribusiness wise, no stone will be left unturned legally. These things are frequently a battle of experts. If the trial judge fulfilled its responsibility as a gate keeper to prevent junk science from being placed before the jury, it could ultimately be a fact determination for the jury. In that sense, it reminds me of the Johnson & Johnson baby powder case. Monsanto undoubtedly pointed to product misuse to show contributory (comparative) negligence. Assuming they were properly instructed, that too could be a properly within the discretion of the jury. It’s unlikely we’ll know the ultimate outcome for years. In the meantime, I’ll continue to contentedly control my plots with gly and happily plant RR corn and beans....while following product instructions.
I read the articles watched the media coverage and really my opinion of glyphosate has not changed much. I believe the lawsuit will be appealed and the groundskeeper will not live to see any of the payout. The take away here for me was to reinforce safe practices when applying these products. Most of the compounds we use are designed to interrupt a biological pathway resulting in killing the plant it’s sprayed on. I believe it is naive to think these products are harmless to humans. If history tells us anything humans tend to use products until enough data tells us to stop.... asbestos lead based paint thalidomide we could list a lot of things here. Studies that say it’s safe I would encourage you to turn to the last page of the study to check out who paid for it. If Monsanto is listed it’s not independent and probably biased. My take away continue to proceed with caution and respect these products for what they are.
you could probably get a jury in Sanfran to award 300 mil if you sued the sun for causing cancer.
These idiots are insane. Gly has done more to help mankind than practically anything in the last 50 years.
In a sane world, Monsanto would have won 6 Nobels.