This brings back many hunting camp memories from the shack called the "cabin" on top of "Shade Mountain" 2 miles back in on a logging road smack in the middle of the best hunting Pennsylvania could offer.
Thirty years of stories, the trophies, the misses, the cut off shirt tails (We didn't cut off shirttails for missing, we only cut off shirttails for lying about missing) Ice on the water bucket, cutting wood for the old cast iron stove, and winter trips to the outhouse. The good food, the cook that used to much grease, the time we only had baked beans and lots of fumes. Hiding your buck and pretending you didn't have any, helping someone else drag one out, catching up with guys you hadn't seen in a year, the day everyone tagged out the first morning.
Then Gary Ault and the PGC wiped out a lot of the deer, aphids wiped out the hemlocks, moths decimated the oaks, coyotes, bears, and hawks moved in, and the squirrels, grouse and turkeys all but disappeared, people started posting their land, the older members started passing away, and I saw the writing on the wall as it was unfolding, and started managing wildlife on my own private land, and another chapter of life faded away.
But, as the pictures of the U.P. so richly reminded me, I have made friends and memories that never go away, and I keep my interest in the shack just so that I can go back from time to time and relive some really special things from a different era of time when the hills were thriving with game, there was no covid and the old guys in camp always had the time to sit and chew the fat, and had all the answers to life's problems.