Northeast Craigslist Finds


Well-Known Member
I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread that was dedicated to posting habitat management related Craigslist adds. I've been on several other forums where they have this and I've found it interesting and helpful for finding great deals on items. So if you find a good deal on something related to this forum or find it interesting then feel free to post something.
2014 Woods PSS60 Super Seeder - $6000 (Harding, PA)

I think the timing is a little off. You could have come up with that great idea before you scarfed up that little item !:Do_O
Up in my area, auctions are the best way to see lots of variety. There are some good buys now and again, but at times, auction fever takes over and prices are stupid high. My best buy’s have come from folks upgrading equipment or, or after a death and buying multiple pieces at the same times. My last purchase was a Woods Brush Bull and disc, a Kuhn tiller, a NH manure spreader (I use for spreading ag lime), a 3point sprayer and a cone spreader. I bid on a couple used tractors, but was unwilling to pay what other folks would.
Daddy had an old M Farmall. Well, that was in the fifties so I guess it wasn't all that old then.
My neighbor rolled his M over on himself several years ago. He hit a groundhog hole going cross-slope while making hay. The tractor landed upside down and pinned him on his leg(shattered the shin bone) and pinned his butt. His torso/vitals were untouched. He survived.
I will never forget the sight of an over turned tractor with someone underneath it. Scary!!

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