North American Whitetail Article

Fred was the dry land farmer that taught them how to grow in the desert. As David and Gary began commercializing the business Fred dropped out and went back to farming.

Can you share some of fred's insight?


Yes, as LLC says the first step is deep tillage. Overall his strategy was to bank moisture. He would till ~ Sept with a mold board plow very deeply. Sandy soils. Then keep perfectly weed free till spring planting. This created a soil 'sponge' that would hold any moisture received as the top would crust over { kinda like thatch } and hold moisture underneath. He then drilled to the moisture when soil temp was perfect.

He also worked a lot on row spacing to maximize moisture availability to plants. I saw crops growing there during severe drought where nothing should have been growing. Of course they promoted lab lab as the secret sauce but in reality cow peas work just as well and may even be better suited to certain situations.

I havent talked to Fred in several years so I would be curious if he is exploring no till now. I'll see if I still have his contact info. Fine gentleman.
I must be one of the few that enjoy watching hunting shows?

I only watch the shows where you can actually learn something from it though rather than just watching something getting shot like most shows only do. I'm also not a fan of the canned/high fence hunts where they usually shoot them over bait either, and surprisingly, there's a bunch of em on. That's the farthest thing from hunting to me, and are both obnoxious and offensive. I can deal with the hooting and the hollering after a kill more than I can the high fence shows. They are embarrassing to the hunters that actually have to hunt in the real world. Most of the shows don't show the reality that most of us deal with, which is hunting on small tracts of land and not being able to pass up every 3 year old buck because of fear of your neighbor shooting him.

Truthfully; the advertising doesn't bother me at all. It's just a part of being on TV and being able to produce a quality show. Now most of the quality shows are going to Youtube because they don't need to be censored like the network programs do. Plus they are much cheaper to produce than the shows on the networks.

Some of my favorites are; Bowlife, Rival Wild, Nock On, and Heartland Bowhunter. Midwest Whitetail is one of the best, but it's only on Youtube now. All good shows where you can actually take something from the show and make yourself a better hunter and increase your habitat.
From your recommendation I watched several of the Midwest Whitetail episodes last night and was very happy with the information they provided. I will for sure be watching more. Well produced with great straightforward usable information
From your recommendation I watched several of the Midwest Whitetail episodes last night and was very happy with the information they provided. I will for sure be watching more. Well produced with great straightforward usable information
Glad you liked it.

The poor mans plot series that they do is very good, and it's applicable to all hunters even if they don't have any type of equipment.
The phrase "I put da rage in da cage" might be the absolute worst one liner I've heard and a good reason I can't so the Drurys any more.

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Only one I enjoy watching anymore is Shockey. I am a year round deer addict so that should say something. He rarely is hunting deer on his show. He does a good job of capturing the experience and has some incredible scenery. I can't stomach most of the rest anymore.
I have been watching the Growing Deer show through my Roku. I love the show so far. I'm definitely going to try out some of the others you guys have recommended.