I will never forget a family reunion a few years ago. My cousins little boy - 3 or 4 years old desperately wanted to go for a walk in the woods, but nobody wanted to go. I knew the property and the little boy was frequently in the woods as it was - so offered to take him and to be honest I was surprised me agreed. We took a walk and we talked about deer tracks and hickory nuts on the ground and of course he had to have a stick. We talked about the animals and what they ate and how they lived in the woods.....he was very interested. Any way, as we continued along we came to a large oak tree. I asked him, "You know what sort of tree this is?" Of course I didn't expect him to know and to be honest I didn't even expect an answer. He looked way up in the tree and studied it a moment, turned to me and without missing a beat says, "Big!". Well obviously this was not the reply I was looking for.....but he wasn't wrong. I struck me at that moment about how complicated adults tend to make the word. I love taking kids in the woods, outside, hunting or fishing....the simplistic nature of their world never seems to amaze me. I have kids of my own, but they are older and getting that "refresher" just still sticks with me.