That is dang cool! I have never seen anything like that and I have killed a lot of coyotes. If you kill that one you can probably sell it to a taxidermist for decent money. Just dont shoot it with a deer rifle!
Could be a coydog but I really think just has an albino gene showing itself. Looks just like a piebald deer appears. Any animal can show that trait. Really cool pic. If it is piebald, you may see more dark as fall comes on just as you can see in deer. Thanks for showing.
Early on in my Iowa time my neighbor had a puppy out of a yellow lab that looked and hunted my whole block like a 100lb coyote, coy/dog, all white. It mostly ran with a domestic pack but there was a fine line between wild and domestic.
I have never seen anything like that....however, I do have a large male coyote running around my property with a professional radio collar like the DNR uses. Does anyone have any idea what they are tracking?