Need help hunting a buck


New Member
I am a novice hunter that knows just enough to get him a shot every once in a while. I am hunting a small plot of land (10 acres) surrounded by heavily wooded areas that I cannot hunt. The other day I did a little scouting and noticed an area that had several fresh rubs, but no scrapes that I could find. The next day I put up a stand in that area and within 40 minutes (10:30am) I caught the buck creeping through the brush about 30 yards away. I have no idea what happened but it walked behind a tree and I never saw him a gain. I waited about 2 hours and got out of the stand. I have several fresh rubs on large pine trees with in 50 yards of this stand site. The wind isn't always good but I have no other way in our out. What would be your suggestions on hunting / tricking this deer. I have tried rattling, grunting on occasion with no success. I have been around this property for about 2 years and have never seen does on the property. Not sure why this thing is hanging around. What are your thoughts?
My immediate thought, if there is a lot of rubbing going on that you might be in that buck's living room so to speak. In that case, I would be trying to hunt as low pressure as possible, no calling or rattling and make your entrance and exit as low key as possible.
That was my thought exactly. I have walked this property a few times in the past year but every time I tried to sneak in before the sun came up I would jump a deer and never see anything. So I have never hunted it that often. This is the first time that I have caught a glimpse of this deer and it was only for a split second and the thing disappeared like a ghost. What are your thoughts on a decoy buck or doe?