Fantastic DirtNap! Brings a smile to my face seeing Lemondrop and Puckernugget spreading their wings.
So I thought I would update with some early spring pics of these crabapple trees. These pics are a couple weeks old, but there are a few things worth pointing out on the trees.
Here is Puckernugget. PNugget might have been the first apple tree to open flowers on the Home 10-- well maybe excepting September Sun. I recall in 2012 when we had the early spring warmth, then the freeze, that Pnugget still carried a load of apples. Are crabs hardier than dessert varieties? PNugget was not loaded with bloom this year, but never is. I noted today (Easter), that this tree was still opening a few blooms. So that's a 3 week bloom!
Here is September Sun. Light bloom this year, but I have to wonder if the Japanese Beetle damage from last year didn't have an effect. I will try to keep them at bay this year. No pruning this year either. The tree is getting thick. Probably the first tree to really push leaves as far as the apples go.
September Sun bloom was about over as others were ramping up.
Here is Fireball. Last year this tree for the first time since it started fruiting produced not a single fruit, with many small fruits mummied on the branches. The only bloom on Fireball this year was in the portion of the tree without mummied fruit. Strange.
And then here is my friend, Lemondrop. Again, strong bloom and looks to be headed toward another heavy crop.
August Apricot is behind everybody. Just about ready to pop open flowers while others are already flowering.
We will watch them as the season progresses. Some of you who received scionwood from these trees this spring can get a better idea of the tree you grafted.