msu deer hunt app

Jeff H

Well-Known Member
Does anyone use the Mississippi State Univeristy's deer hunt app?
I've been playing around with it and like it a lot for stand placement and hunting log info but I'm having trouble with adding new members to the group so they can see what I have entered. I've emailed the webmaster but got a pretty generic reply. Not helpful.
It should be noted that I am not of the "app" generation. Likely the problem is a loose nut on the keyboard. :D

Keyboard driver error!

What does it do that you like so much? Just curious to see if I want to look into it more..
Keyboard driver error!

What does it do that you like so much? Just curious to see if I want to look into it more..
You can plot all of your stand locations and share those with a group or keep them private. So I can set a stand, mark it on the map (links to google maps satellite view) and someone in my approved group can walk right to it. No more telling the guys "its down that one ridge next to the big tree by the trail".
Also, when you get to a stand you tap on that stand's icon and everyone in your group knows where you are and when you come and go. You can also record your sightings for each hunt. That data is recorded in reports that the administrator (me) can pull and review.
We have use it a little on our lease. I just got everyone to download it and then sent them invites to the property. Anyone can enter info and it show up. Hunt stand has a similar option.I haven't used it yet.