Go for it. Not sure it will help or not, but it sounds like you got enough food to take the chance. That's all part of plotting - trying things and seeing if they work out or not. It's only a failure if you don't learn something from it! If it doesn't have the result you want - you can always re-seed come spring or fall or simply keep that acre as a place for you to experiment. Plots don't have to be perfect - the deer don't care and it's nice to have a small area where you can try different things.
The radish is an annual and they will die on their own in the spring - but they may try to produce seed first - nothing a mowing won't fix. If they are allowed to mature you might get some volunteer plants, but again, big deal - I would doubt they would survive the summer heat.
Like I said - plotting is all about learning and trying new and different things. We have all been there and it sounds like you have plenty of food so you're not putting your deer at risk. learn what works and doesn't work and why for you and your situation and you will be fine. It's never a failure if you learn from it. Many different ways to skin a cat - try them all and see which you like and go from there. Good luck.