My wife and I bought 2 Moultrie M888i cameras back in August and they have worked flawlessly other than one having a delayed power up. In other words when you push the switch to turn it on it would take about 5 seconds to actually display anything but other than that it would work flawlessly. I checked the camera Saturday and cleared the card and when I went to power it back on it did absolutely nothing. I recalled the battery said it still had over 80% but I had new batteries with me so I changed all the batteries out with Duracell Copper Tops like I have always used in my game cameras and it still never even flickered.
I brought the camera home and called Moultrie on it just now and they asked me what batteries I was using and I told them "Dura Cell". The lady told me that was what the problem was because Duracell has new technology to make batteries last longer and they have less boost starting off to conserve and it is not enough to fire up the camera. Told me to buy some cheap energizers and not the "max" in any battery and it should work. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?
I brought the camera home and called Moultrie on it just now and they asked me what batteries I was using and I told them "Dura Cell". The lady told me that was what the problem was because Duracell has new technology to make batteries last longer and they have less boost starting off to conserve and it is not enough to fire up the camera. Told me to buy some cheap energizers and not the "max" in any battery and it should work. Has anyone ever heard of something like this?