MDC trees open for online ordering

From what i can tell, last years MDC red cedars did pretty good. 200 more on the way next March. :)
The weaker ones i will stick in the garden bed for a year. I did that this year and 75% survived and grew well.
FYI-The Missouri Dept of Conservation is open for online tree orders starting today.

I told my wife that I'd hold back and plant fewer trees than last year, but spend more time and tube or fabric each one. Ha, that didn't last long. So addicting that I just couldn't stop, so I ended up ordering 150 trees and shrubs. I'll probably tube around 20, fabric the shrubs and randomly stick the rest in the ground and hope for the best.

Ordered a dibble bar from Amazon too, as last year about killed me.

Just got 50 Chinese chestnuts in the mail from wpbdeer too, so it looks like a busy winter!
What dibble bar did you order? Getting ready to order one myself. When you try yours out please post a review.
What dibble bar did you order? Getting ready to order one myself. When you try yours out please post a review.
I ordered a Jim Gem KBC Bar from Forestry Suppliers (through Amazon). It got good reviews, but it's really just a heavy piece of steel, so should work fine. My trees won't be in until February, so it will be a while before it gets a workout.