I had several errands to run in town this morning before I had plans to Brushhog a couple of properties this afternoon. I got my errands done and was headed back home and was on the last 1/4 mile stretch to our gate when I noticed an old Junky (understatement) pickup driving slowly down the road in front of me so I slowed up and held back a bit. The truck stopped in the road right next to our turn in for our gate which is right on the edge of our property. I drove on up and the truck took off and drove on down the road so I pulled into our turn in and got out to unlock the gate and I could hear someone yelling and screaming in the woods right across the road just on my neighbors side of the fence. Whoever it was was coming to the road and I finally could pick out that they were cussing up a storm about spider webs. I just stood there and this skinny guy with a mullet comes out of my neighbors property with a backpack on and a pit bull on a leash and you could tell I caught him totally by surprise. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was just sitting over there in the woods in the shade with his dog while he was waiting on his girlfriend. About that time the junky pickup comes back and is driven by a girl. He just kept talking and told me his girlfriends dad is a neighbor about 1/2 mile back up the road and her dad hates him so she let him out by my gate and he squirreled up in the woods while he waited on her to come back from her dads. I told him he definitely needs to not just be going into property he had no permission on and I told him he was just a few feet from being somewhere that would have gotten him arrested. I told him to have her let him out at the store next time because I’m always around somewhere and may not be in a great mood like I was today. After they drove off I thought...man I should have taken a picture of him, the dog, and the truck! Hindsight...
I didn’t see my neighbor today but hoping to catch him tomorrow to let him know...he had a walk behind brush trimmer that was brand new stolen about 6 months ago.
I didn’t see my neighbor today but hoping to catch him tomorrow to let him know...he had a walk behind brush trimmer that was brand new stolen about 6 months ago.