Late Plots of Winter Wheat, Red Clover, Winter peas


Active Member
So last Saturday, Nov 23rd, after my morning hunt decided to get on our new tractor and play. Our muzzleloader season started late sept so our season is winding down. I was preparing for an elk hunt in colorado so didnt get to use all our plots this fall. Of the plots we did have, the wheat was getting hammered so decide to add to it in hopes of a few late season hunts and spring turkey.

1st plot is along the main road. 1/5th of an acre, only planted one half of the road because we walk and drive the other side to access the back. Was clover that got taken over by grass by bad timing on our mowing last summer. Went heavy with 50lbs of wheat, 10lbs of winter peas, and 4lbs red clover. Has pear trees and persimmons on the right.

2nd plot is a new plot. Was a small clearing with a deer trail coming to a destination food plot and corn feeder. There was only dog fennel growing and it was too tall to see through, so converted it to a micro plot of wheat with a little winter peas and red clover. The oak tree at the front is not at an ideal location, but my oaks are few and far between. Behind it to the right are year 2 persimmons and plums trees. The back of that plot is a swampy creek bottom.
Looks like a couple of nice spots. Sure must be nice to see the ground this time of year---Last Sunday I spent 9 hours plowing and probably 2 hours shoveling snow.
That's one thing we don't have is mosquitos for a good six months until spring. Two different worlds as far as food plotting goes.
Thats true, turnips and radish grow great here, but im the only thing that eats em. Year 3 growing them and very little browse, but they help breakup the soil and other benefits.
Here the deer seem to love radish and turnips but then again I would almost anything would taste better than eating brush all winter. Summer time here there is plenty of natural vegetation and the winter months are when the deer struggle for enough food to survive. One severe winter can cut the deer numbers back really fast.
so wheat is popping out pretty good, had a good rain last sunday and...

very few tracks in this spot next to the plot before and now....


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That wheat is looking good. What part of the country are you at? If you include your location on your profile it make it easy to see where you're at...
I am near wilmington, NC about 10 miles from the atlantic, zone 7b. I will update profile. It is sunny and 75 today and calling for rain and 40s tomorrow.
This is the view looking back up to the cabin from the middle of the front plot last sunday during the rain storm.
update: got good germination from both wheat and peas, clover still a little slow coming up but that was expected for a thanksgiving planting. Some good tracks through this plot which is close to our cabin and doesnt get a lot of deer traffic.
Wheat is a little patchy, but for broadcasting by hand (bag spreader was locked up), it looks good
So that weekend was so fun to see growth decided to fire up the tractor and get a couple more small patches replanted. Did five small plots, about 2 discs wide each. approximately 1/10 acre. provide some winter feed and spring turkey food.
East and SE lane
NE lane, poorest soil and stays wet
SW only square plot
couple close ups

Plots are coming up great, 70s in december has the everything growing better than expected. Didnt take any pics as I hunted new years day, these 2 kept me busy in the stand. You can see the worst plot of the five in the background, its got wet feet still
pulled sd cards yesterday and took some pics of plot. here is a strip plot next to whats left of an early september turnip plot.
Clover doing good in this front plot with more clover and less peas


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and the road strip plot with more peas less clover. lots of tracks in this one, but still feeding on wheat not peas
Looking good! With the unusually warm December here in Kansas, I believe a person could have had similar success with a late planting.
Thanks, it helped that this was the first plot i had ever done with access to a tractor and not just a drag behind the atv. Weekly rains helped too.