Is this Arrowwood????


Well-Known Member
Saw this today and thought it might be arrowwood but wasn't certain. If it is I will collect some of the berries and plant back home!
Yes it is,

You have at least 2 species of it there - "smooth" and "southern."

I can barely see the underside of your leaves. If they have hairs, it is southern. If not, smooth. Also, smooth is usually much lighter colored on the underside.
Yes it is,

You have at least 2 species of it there - "smooth" and "southern."

I can barely see the underside of your leaves. If they have hairs, it is southern. If not, smooth. Also, smooth is usually much lighter colored on the underside.
Thanks Native! I thought I had a single shrub, but maybe not. These are North of Ann Arbor, MI so I figure they will be ok in my area. if I recall properly they are a good general wildlife shrub. Not particularly for deer but just a native shrub....and I like shrubs!
Deer will browse new growth on Arrowwood, and once established it will spread by seed. Check the "Woody Plant Seed Manual" to see how to grow Arrowwood from seed. Arrowwood can also be propagated from cuttings.
Deer will browse new growth on Arrowwood, and once established it will spread by seed. Check the "Woody Plant Seed Manual" to see how to grow Arrowwood from seed. Arrowwood can also be propagated from cuttings.
Thanks Brushpile.....
Thanks Brushpile.....
I planted Arrowwood 5-6 years ago and it's popping up under trees where birds perch, but not so much around the original plants, which makes me think that the seeds need to be scarified. Seeds falling to the ground are not sprouting.
I planted Arrowwood 5-6 years ago and it's popping up under trees where birds perch, but not so much around the original plants, which makes me think that the seeds need to be scarified. Seeds falling to the ground are not sprouting.
Ok - I will do some investigation and see. I might try to scarify some with some wire window screen or the like.