I am a fussy man. My requirements for dogs are more than "just being able to hunt". They have to please my eye, behave well, be in good health and also perform satisfactorily in the game fields. They also have make decent companions and act in a socially-acceptable fashion.
Any good (competent) foxhound of mine for trailing wounded deer must not be necessarily ornery (naughty) and bite the hands of children who pet him or her. An affectionate retriever that licks my face to death must not still balk at picking up downed doves with their bitter taste and soft easily-detached feathers that mess up his mouth. He'd better earn his dog food, bacon treats and vet expenses in the field and not be stubborn or a lazy loafer.
Yes, counting lucky stars, you might think I want a Five- or even a Six-Star Dog (or Dogs).
I can expect to pay at least $300 per star for any purebred pup from a reputable breeder who breeds serious hunting dogs that seems to offer promise to fulfil my requirements.
Hunting dogs are like American soldiers: they have to stand tall and look sharp in garrison in-ranks inspection (or on the show bench) but be down, dirty, brave, tough, fast, deadly and hard-charging on the battlefield (or in the game field). A total weapon. A complete razor. They have to do as they are told. Obedient to commands. Dogs also have to hold still and shut up when so commanded by their handlers just as a soldier has to shut up and be still at attention. If they have families (or masters) at home, they still have to be gentlemanly, sociable and amicable. Indeed, a tall order.
A dog has to look good through good breeding, good diet, good grooming, good vet care and good exercise. A soldier can look good by wearing a sharp uniform, clean shined shoes, good posture, a chest thrusted out and a belly sucked in, a clean haircut, a lean build and a clean shave. A dog has to act good through good training and firm disciplinary action.
Soldiers get this on their bottom ends firmly from drill sergeants with iron-toed boots. Perhaps, dogs get this thru e-collars on their tender necks.