Blizzard Ridge
Well-Known Member
Doe shooter I agree that money is driving the IDNR. I don't believe it is the out of state hunters that are the problem with the deer population though. I see that as more of a local problem. When you have locals killing a dozen deer just to show they could it becomes a problem. The out of state hunters are killing their buck and going home for the most part. I know out in West Central Illinois outfitting is a much bigger business than what it is on my side of the state and I believe you are correct that as far as trophy destinations go the golden triangle is not so golden anymore. Other parts of the state like where I am from still have the quality of bucks running around but have lost some quantity due to EHD in back to back years and the IDNR still allowing locals to massacre whatever herd is left. I just don't agree with letting us locals go buy as many tags as we can fill, limits need to be set. Archery hunters can fill both their tags in the morning and be back in the tree with new tags in the afternoon killing more deer. I know of one guy that killed 21 deer this year. Who in the world could possibly need 21 deer?