After an incredibly wet summer the valve was turned off in early September and we've been in a serious late summer drought. Last week I started seeing rain predicted for the middle of this week and when I checked the weather forecast Friday and it showed a 90% chance of rain for next Wednesday with 1.5" predicted. On Saturday morning it was 91% with 2.3" predicted. Because of the drought conditions here I haven't sprayed my plots and wasn't planning to for another week or two but no problem.... I dropped what I was doing and got my plots in Sunday. I've been a convert to throw and mow for several years but since what was supposed to be my thatch layer was thin and with the lack of spraying I pulled the disc's out for the first time in years and made a single pass after mowing. Everything came out nice and ready for the rain and I was quite pleased with myself!
Well, this morning the chance of rain for Wednesday has increased to a whopping 96%.... with 0.32" predicted, which is probably just enough rain for germination going so everything can die of thirst. Now I'm wishing I had stuck to my original plan to wait until the last weekend of October to plant.
There's no point to this post.... I just needed to vent!
Well, this morning the chance of rain for Wednesday has increased to a whopping 96%.... with 0.32" predicted, which is probably just enough rain for germination going so everything can die of thirst. Now I'm wishing I had stuck to my original plan to wait until the last weekend of October to plant.
There's no point to this post.... I just needed to vent!