Adding 50 acres of the best food going should be a very major and positive change definitely!!! As Mennoniteman said, "Soybeans are always the TRUMP card in deer food", at least here. It is a given that new bucks will travel to your property and that they will follow the same patterns as the deer currently on your property except that they may bed off your property or even up to miles away. Property design alterations implemented this spring and early summer that I would consider to prepare for the big food banquet and resulting big buck influx this fall are;
1.Starting from the furthest ends of your property but of course not too tight to the lines, enhance travel ways the deer will choose for navigating to the fifty acre field using current travel way sections and obstructions where available to funnel the deer by existing stands. And add new travel sections and obstructions as needed for additional funneling where none had been before. Close to the beans of course works great for evenings but very far away works better for the morning and most of the day so I'd focus on both the far end and throughout the property as much as the close to bean field end.
2. Add some hunt-able staging areas near the beans. Use all legal tricks in the staging areas to keep the bucks happy waiting out their daylight time in the staging areas as long as possible ie; water holes, feed stations, mineral licks, small oats feed plots, scraping/scenting tree, fruit trees, etc.
3. Concentrate some of your current planted plot fields to oats to provide fall and winter attraction to hold deer on the property and possibly add more resident deer families to your property if desired. I'd still utilize the LC planting style around the oat field edges for consistency in food availability but would make the oats the main event space wise as the beans are expected to provide a great deal of summer food to the deer. As E_308 stated there is a period in the fall where the bean field will have close to zero attraction.
4. add new stand setups this spring and early summer to enjoy all of the new shooting opportunities.
5. Set up cameras by late this summer in the staging areas to monitor deer but also to watch for trespassers; word will get out about the beans and deer travel ways crossing roads may stand out a lot more than today. And of course a few cameras placed in the travel funnels by late summer to get a peak at the new buck inventory would be great also.
6. Invite us all down to help protect the bean field if the predicted migrant deer population explosion proves to be out of control! Too many of us hunting in a couple of days can scare them all away for you.
Note; I have no clue Steve, as to whether or not you simply can setup along the bean field there to effectively hunt the bucks without changing your property one bit, we have not gotten the bucks to consistently show in fields here and even if we could it just isn't our best, most enjoyable hunting option as setting up in trail areas and staging areas are.