Hair Brained Idea...Or


Well-Known Member
Ever get a "hair brained idea", an off the wall, off your rocker, crazy plan? This thread is for those (seemingly to others) foolish ideas, but you know you have a winner. So let's have 'em and we will offer "constructive criticism".

Here is Mine.....A 3pt Hitch Mobile Hunting Blind

Many years ago my Dad had a good cattle friend who also worked for Alabama Power. The friend decided we needed a 3pt tractor generator. I remember us using the cumbersome monster a time or two, but never remember it working so great.

Well, I am looking at it the other day and think (1) (2) (3) and this could be a 3pt Hitch Mobile Hunting Blind. All I have to do is 1. take off the generator 2. change out the 3pt hitch bolts because it looks like it was made for a 400hp tractor 3. see if my little tractor will lift just the frame and 4. build a small shooting house on top. Once built I just hook up to the tractor and place it at the best spot each year, or move during the season. If built right it could be bow stand in October, and gun stand in December!


What to you think? If you look closely at the second picture you will see that I also need to get rid of a LOT of wasp nests!
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Great idea! I don't think this is a crazy idea, and probably not a new one either although I've never heard it before. I've hunted with first nations people who have 4x4 osb box blinds that they move with a front end loader or the back of a pickup truck. At the Great American Outdoor Show they have about any kind of hunting blind imaginable. The advantages of three point are that you can move quite a bit of weight and get to some pretty tight spots with it. I say start building! (maybe leave the generator to run your heater and refrigerator)
Dang Lak, there is more heavy steel in that hookup than most buildings.:D I agree, you should do it and as said keep generator attached for cooking. Great thread and should be interesting as we all do wierd things that should be illegal. Kinda fits in to the Rednecks last words............" Here hold my beer and watch this ".
I like it. Basically a 3 point carry all with a blind attached. I'm thinking weight and size will be your limiting factors. Also thinking a FEL would help offset the weight imbalance.
What would you build it out of ?
I like it. Basically a 3 point carry all with a blind attached. I'm thinking weight and size will be your limiting factors. Also thinking a FEL would help offset the weight imbalance.
What would you build it out of ?
Yes and I might need a bucket full of dirt to help off set
Lak, I really do like the 3 point hitch idea. Seems like a very good way to me to get the blind where you want it in some places that might be hard to set one otherwise.
lak...We'll all be on standby waiting to see how this project turns out. If you could get a piece of that tree Native Hunter cut it would almost be big enough for a "stump blind".
Of course you would keep that cable in the picture, and let the tractor hooked up. Shoot deer. Attach cable to leg. Run electric winch with generator. Lift three point. Drive in to barn where it's warm with entire rig.