Garden Plot


Active Member
last few years I have wanted to do a " garden plot" but failed to do so.

Was by the mill today and they gave me a bunch of lettuce , tomato , beet, & watermelon seeds so I'm gonna mix in my turnip plot this week when I plant.

Anyone else ever mixed anything like this?
Figured farmers have been trying to keep deer out of gardens for years so it could work
Don't forget to throw in some Clemson Spineless Okra for your nurse crop. The deer won't eat any of the other stuff until it is gone.
I always throw in lettuce, kale, or watermelon seeds in with my traditional brassica mix depending whats on sale at my coop.. They definitely love the kale, sometimes the lettuce, and watermelon never stands a chance.
okra works well i saved seeds from my garden last year and have couple lbs to mix it my fall plot.
Yes, but we do this in a spring mix so we have something to eat during winter.....beets will probably be all you harvest in a fall planting. YEllow squash is a 55 day crop so it would probably do well.....okra is long day and requires high heat to produce.

FYI....we picked 30 gal of squash this summer from the plot. Deer will eat squash in small plots but not in big plots.