FYI Shaded area represents potential planting range.


Active Member

I can't vouch for accuracy but the maps of "Shaded area represents potential planting range." is interesting
I'm working on it and reordered a little

Quercus muehlenbergii[104KB] (Fagaceae) Chinkapin Oak
Quercus macrocarpa[182KB] (Fagaceae) Bur Oak
Quercus alba[305KB] (Fagaceae) white oak
Quercus bicolor[321KB] (Fagaceae) Swamp White Oak
Quercus palustris[249KB] (Fagaceae) Pin Oak
Quercus robur 'Fastigiata'[231KB] (Fagaceae) ‘Fastigiata’ English Oak
Quercus robur[181KB] (Fagaceae) English Oak

Quercus prinus[264KB] (Fagaceae) Chestnut Oak
Quercus coccinea[417KB] (Fagaceae) Scarlet Oak
Quercus rubra[183KB] (Fagaceae) Northern Red Oak
Quercus imbricaria[196KB] (Fagaceae) Shingle Oak

Mid section
Quercus shumardii[248KB] (Fagaceae) Shumard Oak
Quercus acutissima[265KB] (Fagaceae) Sawtooth Oak
Quercus texana[241KB] (Fagaceae) Texas Red Oak

Quercus phellos[225KB] (Fagaceae) Willow Oak
Quercus lyrata[186KB] (Fagaceae) Overcup Oak

Quercus cerris[177KB] (Fagaceae) Turkey Oak

Quercus stellata[155KB] (Fagaceae) Post Oak
Quercus nigra[156KB] (Fagaceae) Water Oak

Quercus laurifolia[226KB] (Fagaceae) Diamond Leaf Oak
Quercus nuttallii[146KB] (Fagaceae) Nuttall Oak

Quercus falcata[177KB] (Fagaceae) Southern Red Oak
Quercus virginiana[169KB] (Fagaceae) Southern Live Oak

Quercus glauca[183KB] (Fagaceae) Blue Japanese Oak
Quercus austrina[182KB] (Fagaceae) Bluff Oak1
Quercus acuta[125KB] (Fagaceae) Japanese Evergreen Oak
Last edited: can go to the link he provided, scroll to the top of the page and click on the "plant family" tab and scroll down to the "f's" for Fagaceae have them listed that way!

Fagaceae can go to the link he provided, scroll to the top of the page and click on the "plant family" tab and scroll down to the "f's" for Fagaceae have them listed that way!

What is up with the Turkey Oak range? You look at all the other Oaks they pretty much grow from their northern extent all the to the gulf coast, but the Turkey Oak is just a belt thorough the Mid South, and not the Deep South.

Southerns please forgive me if you don't like my classification of the Southern geography...I do understand the definition of Yankee is anybody that lives North of you!
The question is why doesn't this grow in Southern GA, LA, AL is the only Oak in the list above to have a"belt" type range


I don't know but I suspect that since it is an overseas oak they have just used a plant hardiness zone to predict range.

Note the similar isolated dots of range with the map above or others.

That cerris map is too granular is be realistic.


Per the above, cerris should grow most anywhere. It is not a good wildlife tree, if I remember right. Bitter acorns, etc.
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