Jeremy Richards
New Member
I just joined a Lease in Abbeville, Al just off hwy 431 North headed to Eufaula. It is about 800 acres and we subleased 300 more that will be added to our club next year. I am not familiar with the area that well and am hopeful some of you guys can share good advice with me. In the hot summer months of July and August I did my scouting after studying maps to learn the best places to put my cameras and stands and sadly I still haven't shot a deer. I have seen around 5 doe and a spike but no nice bucks yet. I was wondering if I provided a picture of my map on here can someone help me pinpoint areas that would be good to look into? I want to learn and understand they "why's" I just have a funny feeling I am going about it all wrong down here. It seems that when I hunted in North Alabama near the Tennessee line I saw deer everyday and passed on several 8 points that I deemed to small. Since I moved South I have not enjoyed much success and thats just sad given the South has such larger bucks ( thats my opinion ). Somebody help me out please!