Well-Known Member
Sure.Can you explain that further? Not sure I follow that line of thinking. If someone owns 400 acres and shoots 6 does/year for the freezer I don’t see how they are getting more than giving. Even if they’re not deliberately doing anything for their deer. In a lot areas they’d barley be maintaining. Other areas they could be shooting too many.
Deer population density varies greatly and some areas all but require recreational meat hunting to keep populations at a sustainable level. Obviously examples to the contrary are easily cited, just don’t think your statement is always accurate.
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The original article talks about attracting foodie hipsters to the woods seeking high quality organic food. Food is nothing more than another transaction. We can pay $1/lb for whore house chicken, or gradually raise our willingness to pay based on what we want. Whore house pork $1.50/lb, beef $2.50/lb etc.
If the angle is to attract people to the woods for the purpose of taking meat, it only works as long as it delivers more value than they're laying out in cost to get it. It'll work great where there is an abundance of deer. It will be catastrophe where there are not enough deer. I'm in a place where there are not enough deer to fill freezers, and meat people are very frustrated. Meaters don't just stop when the population reaches balance, they go until there are no longer deer to be had.