Food Plots


New Member
What is everyone using to fertilize and lime their food plots this year? I found some good stuff for the spring and will
be using it for my fall food plots from Bloodline.Hunt.Outdoors. I ordered online.
Looking to change my ph level in most of my food plots, this worked well
Ag lime for pH adjustment. Nothing is less expensive if you have a way to spread it. I have moved to min-till/no-till and by selecting the right mix of plants I have not used any fertilizer for over 7years. Absolutely no change in deer use and saving thousands each year on fertilizer.

After ruining my soils in the early years with a 2-bottom plow and tiller, organic matter levels have finally rebounded and plots are growing better than ever!

Next adventure... Managing weeds for deer!
I rent a lime buggy from the coop when I need to spread Ag lime. When I buy the lime from them the coop the rental cost is nominal. Some folks have luck with drop type spreader, but the Ag lime needs to be very dry.
The liquid lime that lots of places are hocking is probably the most expensive way to adjust pH you can find. There are lots of threads where soil scientists have chipped in explaining the issues and chemistry. In the end, the least expensive way to adjust pH is Ag lime followed by pelletized lime for those who don't have the equipment to spread ag lime.
What is everyone using to fertilize and lime their food plots this year? I found some good stuff for the spring and will
be using it for my fall food plots from Bloodline.Hunt.Outdoors. I ordered online.
Looking to change my ph level in most of my food plots, this worked well
So tell us, molly, what is your affiliation with this establishment that sells this magical elixir that works better than ag lime at doing just what ag lime does?