thanks for saving info like this, and glad to see you over here smallplot
thanks for saving info like this, and glad to see you over here smallplot
OkieKubota - VERY Nice!!!
I liked it very much too! I had only used it for 2 years...and had enjoyed very good success even though I barely knew what to try to do in planting it. Now...this year has been a different story!!!
I have managed to get a stand of Sorghum/Sudan going....but it has been an expensive and trying process...and in the end I do not think that the results will be as desirable as the EWG was.
I sure hope that it becomes available for the 2017 season again next year!
I noticed EW seed was impossible to get last year. I planted it the 2 years before for a screen and it did well..
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I noticed EW seed was impossible to get last year. I planted it the 2 years before for a screen and it did well...
Nutritionist - You say that you are selling this blend called "Fortress". Id be very interested in learning more about it. As in (A) does it do well when broadcast or does it need to be drilled and (B) where/how does someone purchase what you're selling?Most arent aware of this but egyptian wheat is sorghum. There was little to no egyptian wheat sold this year because of seed supply and i know for a fact some products were sold as EW when they were a specific varoety of sorghum. Some companies that substituted brown mid rib or white mid rib sorghums, you all will have major lodging issues when the first frost hits. Companies should have used old school forage sorghum as their replacement,
I am testing 2 new varieties of screening sorghum that might be released for 2017. Here is a mix i sell called fortress that stands better than EW because i have 3 different heights of growth with wgf grain sorghum, millet and 2 tall growing sorghums.
Enjoyed this read Dan, We planted two small plots of egyptian wheat this year for the first time, Put theses 2 small plot's out in our front area, basically as you mentioned for a " Visual Barrier" as we have a front black top and people like to pull over and watch deer in our front plots,, I I see your in Pike, we are up in Adams-15 minutes from Barry. I am liking the barrier it is creating, We have not gotten the rains you guys have down there this year, Plot work all summer has not been fun, period! Our plot is over my head and is heading out now ,