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Anyone do any trials? I am always looking for new ideas
I did 3
Winfred brassica vs rape. Winfred won hands down. Learned it from a QDM forum member last year. Thanks
Lynx peas in oats vs Austrian snow peas. I didn't see any difference. Oats on both were completely destroyed
When I no till drilled my sugar beets I put beets in one cup and soybeans in the next, etc. Set on really low setting to try to get 1' spacing. It wasn't perfect but a lot better than mixing. I will do again if I plant sugar beets. Weeds are a problem. You need a very clean field
This year I am going to try no till drilling soybeans into last years corn without bushogging
I did 3
Winfred brassica vs rape. Winfred won hands down. Learned it from a QDM forum member last year. Thanks
Lynx peas in oats vs Austrian snow peas. I didn't see any difference. Oats on both were completely destroyed
When I no till drilled my sugar beets I put beets in one cup and soybeans in the next, etc. Set on really low setting to try to get 1' spacing. It wasn't perfect but a lot better than mixing. I will do again if I plant sugar beets. Weeds are a problem. You need a very clean field
This year I am going to try no till drilling soybeans into last years corn without bushogging