Honestly at this point it doesn't matter, cause you will not see the benefit one way or the other this Yr. You are essentially fertilizing for future crops at this point. Depending on what your putting down, which I am assuming is P & K. They are essentially immobile in the soil, with a max rate of movement around 1/4 to half inch in the soil profile per year. Well short of the root zone of most forages, outside of a few grass species.
The breakdown of P & K is also limited on a yr to yr basis.
U can figure u may get 25% the first yr, followed by 50%, then 25% return on investment in yr three.
It takes mother nature awhile to break this stuff down an make it plant available.
Best bet is to put it on in the fall, which in our case is not practical.
Followed by incorporation. Which also for the No tillers is impractical.
So ya, throw it on, makes no difference.
EDIT: This was based on a lack of ability to incorporate at this time. If you still have that option do so. But the 25% ROI will still factor in. But what does become available, will be in better zone for plant usage.