Event calandar


Well-Known Member
this may have been suggested already. What about an event calandar? A place where we can see deer and hunting related events that may be of interest. I know chainsaw posts a lot of webinars and many of us attend local events as well. I'm not sure if we want to limit who can list what but I would like a place where we can know about deer conventions, property tours, seminars and webinar type events.
I would be game but suppose most would be state based type deals like wildlife department public input meetings and such. I have never been to a property tour type deal even though I think the ones the guy named Jim who did all the hinge cutting would be cool to attend...
Even if many are state based I think it would be a great way to communicate those events to other residents of that state or even those to neighboring states that may be able to make the drive is applicable to them......it was just an idea.