Active Member
Interested to hear this one out. Been on my mind past few years of is it time to finally break down and get one or the other and take some tasks off the tractor. Would i get more use out of skid steer or dozer for hunting land. I'm hoping for really some counter arguments against a skid/track steer, as i almost have myself convinced it is the better route, as they are simply so versatile and powerful that dozer all it has on a steer is just more grunt in front of the blade.
Possible Work - breaking new food plot grounds, picking rocks on ag fields, clearing stumps, plowing snow, trail maintenance, moving logs, putting up perm stands, grading road, moving brush, digging small ponds.
Possible Work - breaking new food plot grounds, picking rocks on ag fields, clearing stumps, plowing snow, trail maintenance, moving logs, putting up perm stands, grading road, moving brush, digging small ponds.