Doe in heat scents


Active Member
Any of you use a doe in heat scent? The rut in my area is about to kick off and wondering if there’s a brand you’ve had luck with before. Thanks in advance.
I haven’t used them much but I kinda think the whole concept is flawed if you’re bow hunting. You put it out hoping a buck will come in from downwind. He comes in downwind of you at the same time. If you’re gun hunting you have to put it out there somewhere away from you and walk out there and back, leaving a scent trail on the ground. Maybe they work and maybe they don’t.
Any of you use a doe in heat scent? The rut in my area is about to kick off and wondering if there’s a brand you’ve had luck with before. Thanks in advance.
I used them many years ago. Sometimes they were effective and other times not. They are now illegal in my state due to CWD. Check you state regulations before using any urine based scent.
Not much luck using it over the past 40 years, just was hoping I was using the wrong brands. I’ve had 18 month old bucks investigae it before a handful of times but never seen an older deer (buck or doe) pay any attention to it. Figured I’d ask.
I have had mixed succes over the years but enough success to keep using it. My favorite is the wafers. I have see a buck actually licking it one time. It’s not magic just anther tool in the bag when used during the right time.
While I personally have not had great success with it, I know of several that have.
Mostly by using a Drag Rag behind them to their Stand then Swinging it it the air several times then hang it on a branch.

They said the Buck came right to them.