CWD--new info?

A cure would be awesome. They fail to mention how you would treat an entire country's wild population though, seems no small tasks.
A cure would be awesome. They fail to mention how you would treat an entire country's wild population though, seems no small tasks.
If true....that might be the beauty of it. Oral vaccine would require supplemental feeding which would improve the overall health of the herd in other ways as well:)
I hope they figure it out quick, Missouri is trying to kill them all before they can die of it! I understood the philosophy when it was one small containment area. By the end of the year close to half of the state will probably be in part of the "containment zone." Already no minerals/feeding in those zones. Targeted culling (they put out big corn piles where nobody else can) and shoot all they can in the hot zones. Not much of a plan at this point in the game.