Well-Known Member
I've been really stretched this year by health problems and was dependent on help to get my plots in. For my LC grain mix, I had tractor novices operating my equipment. To speed up and simplify the process, after getting fluffy bed prepared with repeated passes with a heavy disc, we simply broadcast the grains and cultipacked them with a heavy cultipacker.. Because of heavy turkey population, I increased the grain broadcast by 50%. After the initial cultipacking, clover and leftover brassicas were broadcast and the seed bed was cultipacked a second time. When we finally got much needed moisture, germination was at acceptable levels. Has anyone compared the methods and have an opinion on the respective merits? It was done this year out of necessity, but because I'm always looking to save time (unnecessary implement changes), I'm interested in others experience. By the way, there was very little grain visible on the surface. Thoughts?