I've got around 25 acres on the back side of my farm that my farmer cuts for hay. There is a good bit of broomsage and stick weed, so once the farmer cuts it for hay here in about 3 weeks, I will let the weeds grow for a week or 2, then get the local co op to come spray an herbicide such as grazon that will kill the weeds, but not the fescue. I will then lime a couple tons to the acre. At some point in August I will rent the drill from the co op and drill barley or oats (or both) into the short fescue. I will still have my usual 1 acre brassica plots. Was curious if any of you have experience with oats and or barley? Barley is cheap, and it will also benefit that cattle farmer that I lease the land to, so come spring time he can bale it or let the cows graze it. I thought of lightly mixing some brassicas in but not sure if they would do much. I am not going to kill the fescue, just mow it short if need be and drill directly into it. Would love to hear your thoughts!