

Well here a new product that guy dropped off for me to try out.


But be so new that only information is the information for cattle.

More than just a salt block. A High performance mineral block with a digestive aid. CalseaBloc is a free access mineral supplements to combine Sodium Self-Regulation with the benefits of CalseaGrit Biotech. CalseaGrit is the best part of calcified seaweed extract from the sea, then dried and refined. It is a natural source of calcium, magnesium and trace elements. Biotech, a seaweed extract, optimizes the activity of rumen bacteria increasing nutrient uptake. Rate of consumption on all blocks is 0.15lb/hd/day, 1 block per 10 head.


I put it out on top of rock ledge on edge of my main mineral lick to see what the deer think of it on camera.