Mitch, just a question on my you have Sawtooth Oak on your place? The reason I ask is that it seems you are looking to add to that hard mast component. Sawtooth are not worth much for anything else except - producing a ton of acorns every year. As I understand it they produce at a young age, produce annually and under the right conditions can produce a bunch of acorns. I have some at my place just for that reason, but they are not of bearing age yet (grew from acorns just last summer). Now they are NOT native - so they do have that strike against them, but if you don't have them it may be worth looking into for you.
Something else I am not sure others have seen or not, but burr oaks can produce a large acorn, but they seem to not produce as many as well. So just because they are bigger doesn't ensure you are going to get a significant jump in "tonnage" so to speak. Also they could fall at the same time as all the other acorns on your place as well......they may contribute to your effort at that time....but may not really prolong that window when they are on your place. They are just so variable...and that's oaks in general, not just the burrs. This is why many of us have also included soft mast and plots to target certain time frames.
I could be 100% wrong as well. You could plant these burr oak trees, they produce right away and the deer beat a path directly to those trees and you have a deer magnet for decades to come. For your sake I hope they do......I just think there is a lot of things outside our control to ensure that happens. Good luck.