Let's Hear It for the Chisel Plow
I planted food plots on 9/20, got 1/2 inch of rain on 9/26, and 1/4 inch on 10/18. That meager amount of rainfall caused the Alabama drought map to look like this: Red is extreme drought, Darker Red is Exceptional Drought. My property is right in the center of the state.
As I stated in previous posts, I added the chisel plow to the preparation this year, which created some furrows for the seed and fertilizer. Those furrows must have collected and efficiently used what little rain we got.
Early this week we got over three inches Monday, and another inch on Tuesday. I had not seen the food plots for several weeks so I figured there would be nothing for the blessed rain to help. I visited the farm today and
I am sold on using the chisel plow for plots.
The furrows created by the chisel still had wheat and oats alive, and ready to take off with the help of this weeks rain.
I search for some green in the Throw & Mow test strips, and did find a little good news.
But there is no doubt that the wheat/oats in the furrows shows more green and is ready to grow. Here is side by side comparison