Triple C
Well-Known Member
I've mentioned a few times on here that my sons travel to Colorado every fall for 10 days on a DIY archery elk hunt on public ground. No guides, horses or assistance. They drive to trail head and pack in with everything they need on their back. They've had a professional videographer film them for the past 2 yrs. Their adventures make for great camp fire stories each fall when they come home. This year their film made the finals for the 2017 Kuiu film festival. Film with most votes by April 30th wins.
I'd appreciate you guys checking out their trailer on the link below and if you think it's worthy of your vote I'd appreciate it. Their film is "The Long Way Up".
I'd appreciate you guys checking out their trailer on the link below and if you think it's worthy of your vote I'd appreciate it. Their film is "The Long Way Up".