Anyone ever spot spray with Imazethapy2sl?


New Member
Just purchased some of this and wonder if anyone ever mixed up and spot sprayed with it. From the label, the dosage rate is 3 to 4 ounces per acre. Right now my newly planted clover is pretty young with my cover crop of oat and wheat. I don't want to spray the entire plot which would kill all the cover crop and leave the young clover to back. Plan on doing a throw and mow in the early fall. I do have some weeds coming up and want to spray them with a back pack sprayer to kill them off before they spread.
You may want to re-consider. Your herbicide might kill young clover. I forget what the label says about that. Maybe it needs to have three clusters of trifoliate leaves before you think about any herbicide. Just off the top of my head....
Just purchased some of this and wonder if anyone ever mixed up and spot sprayed with it. From the label, the dosage rate is 3 to 4 ounces per acre. Right now my newly planted clover is pretty young with my cover crop of oat and wheat. I don't want to spray the entire plot which would kill all the cover crop and leave the young clover to back. Plan on doing a throw and mow in the early fall. I do have some weeds coming up and want to spray them with a back pack sprayer to kill them off before they spread.
Yes, you can spot spray with imazethapyr. Glyphosate also works well to spot spray clover, you just mix it to the equivalent of 16 oz per acre and try to hit mostly weeds. Clover is very hardy, partly because it is very deep rooted, and it is very glyphosate resistant, and you can use herbicide on any size clover. Another herbicide that works well for spot spraying is 2,4dB, also known as Butyrac200, this is a good broadleaf killer but won't kill grasses, so it would not kill the wheat and oats.