Anyone else struggling with weather


Active Member
Wow, its wet

Found a window to get one spraying and 15 acres in but can't seem to get the #2 spraying done. No till drill really helped. If I had to till there is no way I could have gotten plots in this year

Rain again this weekend. I am going to put my brassica in as soon as I can just to make sure I get them in. Better too big than not having them at all
Last year we had 55+ inch of rain in the first half of the year, impossible farming conditions, this year we got 15" over two weeks early this spring and hardly a single drop since, everythings burning up now. I feel your pain haha
Send some my way. I am getting very dry. With 90+ temps, high winds, and no rain i am starting to hurt.
Wow, its wet

Found a window to get one spraying and 15 acres in but can't seem to get the #2 spraying done. No till drill really helped. If I had to till there is no way I could have gotten plots in this year

Rain again this weekend. I am going to put my brassica in as soon as I can just to make sure I get them in. Better too big than not having them at all
X2 on the notill drill. The ultimate food plot machine if you can afford one.
The best year I ever had with food plots vs farmers was a drought year. No till rules

Raining every other day is as bad or worse than a drought. Can't get on the fields to do anything. I've got knee high alfalfa I can't cut and weeds I can't kill. We've got farmers who have not planted yet!!!!

Could be great if we get some dry windows. Soybeans worry me, they typically don't like this much rain
definitely too wet most of May - and when it wasn't it was too cold to risk planting soybeans into wet soil, finally on track now. Got corn in last week in may and beans in 1st week in June - 1-2 weeks late. Will spray 1st time in 7-10 days probably. Warm weather lately has been promising for catching up.
A month ago I was complaining about how wet it was and I couldn't get plots in. Now it seems every pop up storm we get in the area misses me. I did finally get .6 a couple days ago and they are calling for some rain today. My beans could use a little rain just to get them all up and going good, this 90 degree temp, wind and dry isn't helping them get up and established. After they get established they will be able to handle some heat with sporadic rain.
well i got hit hard last night, winds well over 100mph, my crops and property are a mess, power poles down everywhere, not sure what trees survived
It was bad thru may, couldn't even disk till the end of the month. Didn't get my beans in till early June 4th, which is later than I'd like.

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We went from too wet to too dry now we are getting a few rains and the beans I planted when dry are starting to take off. Seems to be an interesting weather year to say the least.
Its been a real pain this year with all the rain by me but just gotta roll with it and get the seeds in the dirt, and hope. I assume that once we get the seeds in, the rains will stop so you all should be good in a few weeks lol
Biggest issue I have had was a recent trip for work to the bootheel area of MO. Hot and sticky....I swear they invented "swamp ass" down there! I'm a fat guy and that doesn't help either. Word to the wise do NOT use MEDICATED gold bond powder on "swamp ass"! It has menthol in it.....menthol BURNS!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Regionally we seem to still have fairly saturated soils as any good rain seems to result in flooding. Toss in the typical June/July temps and it's just terrible. Lots of farmers here had to replant portions or entire fields of crops in lower areas. Crop growth varies wildly depending on when it was planted and just how much flooding it saw. Some corn is waist high, while others is just barely visible from the road.
We are on the normal roller coaster ride. As much as I would like to think it is abnormal, very little of it really is. This time of year is almost always hot, and dry. Plenty of wind as well. The occasional rogue thunderstorm, with them comes rain which is a blessing, but usually hail as well as strong winds and a tornado thrown in for good measure. We treasure the cold fronts like this coming weekend. Supposed to be only in the 70s Friday through Monday. Which beats todays 99 with a feel like of 104.
My dad has farmed for 47 years, he says this has been the worst spring he's experienced. Many of our low areas have been planted 5 times, and are full of water again. The planter is parked in the shed for good now.