Well-Known Member
Friend has a CanAm Spyder , the three wheeler with two wheel in front. Yea I know, not a real motorcycle. Anyways, he rides 30 minutes to dealer for service. Dude works on maintenance for an hour, then as he finishes, goes to ck the oil. Mechanic hears rattling sound and looks up to see 4 foot rattler a foot from his face. Obviously went beserk running into showroom cussing and ranting and was told to clear up his language till they heard his story. Evidently, snake had crawled onto warm engine with our cool nights as bike sat in driveway. My buddy had ridden half an hour with that between his legs. Everyone lucky. I do know, the last couple times to farm, I've looked under my ATV seat to make sure clear even tho I've never seen a poisinous snake at my place. Might want to do the same ck yourselves. My buddy does live in a snake infested place in VA, he's killed few dozen rattlers since moving there last 6 years. I'd sell.