2018 target buck!


Well-Known Member
This guy never showed up during the season. But, I will be dreaming of him until 10/1/18. Curious what you think, but looks like a 3yr old to me that could blow up. Am I just trying to ‘manufacture’ a 3yr old or does he look young to you also?


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Very nice buck kwood! Absolute stud for my neck of the woods.

It’s hard to age them based off body characteristics this time of year. Most lose quite a bit of weight during the rut. In any case he’d definitely be on my shooter list next season :). Hopefully he hangs around.
I agree with 3.5. Are you a shed hunter? I would be chomping at the bit around Feb. 1st to hit the woods and look for those bad boys. Great buck!
Gonna be a long wait........
The dark stain on the inside of the rear legs and he still has a hint of that "long legged" look to him is a sign to me at least that he is 3 but not 4. He has tons of potential and many would have taken a shot even now. I hope he makes it for you.
Always exciting to see a good one after season and have something to look forward to. That one is going to be something special.
If that is what your 3 1/2 yr olds carry for mass, that is just incredible. I always try to block the antlers when aging deer but aging them by body size this time of year not doable for me. I go by the base mass as much as anything; I'm seeing a five plus inch diameter base. Your deer if 3 1/2 are a whole different animal than we have. Antler hunting must be a blast for you.
Chainsaw— I’m not sure. This time of year is hard but even older deer when they lose weight don’t look so “leggy” or “athletic”. Seems like younger deer have the tighter stomach, almost greyhound look. That said who knows but my best guess is 3.5.

I am not very experienced shed hunter but will give it a go.

This area has superior genetics (Fulton County, IL). If it’s possible anywhere it is here. Without fact checking I believe more Booners from this county in IL then any other in last 2 decades.

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Nice buck Kwood. Hard to judge this time of year. If those pics are. end of Dec then I'll tend to push as a 4yo. I saw one of my 3yo on last hunt and it was embarrassing how skinny he'd gotten thru the rut, and we had a bumper hard mast crop. He looked almost like a yearling, at first didn't think he was the same as I seen earlier in the year. Broken tine was his trademark. Good luck regardless.